MENG 472 Fault Diagnosis



Select yourselves into groups of 5 members. Each group should find its own problem or select one of the problems in the next page, and get the approval of Eng. Essam for it. A particular piece of hardware (e.g., one particular car) should be dealt with. In most cases, they are systems that should be familiar with, with hardware available for you to experiment on to some extent. The weeks after MT opportunity to shine  will be available for students to prepare for the project, and the group will make a presentation during the week that has been determined in advanced.

The seminar room is equipped with a data-show projector and you need to bring a laptop computer with at least Powerpoint.

The problems are rather open-ended. Do plan ahead and allocate tasks among the group members so that you do not significantly exceed 3 hours per member. Tasks might include the following.

1.       Carry out library search for books and papers relevant to your problem. An internet search may also be useful. You will probably find that someone has already worked on a similar problem. By all means use their work, adapting it as necessary. (Give references!)

2.        Prepare for presentation. Each group has 1 hour for presentation.

3.    Write your report that should be about 10-20 pages. The most important part is the discussion and conclusions

4.    Make soft copies and hard copies for the other groups.



Full explanations are not necessary for presentation due to the time limitation. The font size for presentation materials should not be less than 18pt (24pt is recommended). The report should also contain Appendices:

I.        A brief list of what each member did. If you like, designate what proportion of the work each member did, and the marks will be allocated accordingly. Otherwise, I will make my own assessment, or (more likely) give everyone in the group the same mark.

II.     A written explanation and diagrams of project, including references.

III.   Listings of your computer programs.


Marking scheme:

Problem definition (Introduction, Frequency response analysis, etc.)             30/100

Other part of report (Logics, contents, discussion and conclusions, etc.)      40/100

Presentation skills (Easy to follow, impressive to listen to, etc.,)                  30/100


LIST OF PROBLEMS: Each group should do one of the following:

Each group should do one project according to the following table:








Resonance And Sympathetic Vibration






Fans And Van Passing


Reciprocating Machines


Belts And Foundation


Piping And Turbulence


Motor Vibration And Assembly Variables


Looseness And Structural Vibration



If you have access to a problem of your own which you would like to study, different from those listed above, this may be acceptable – check with me or Eng. Essam.